
I'm Frank.

Full Stack Web Developer

JavaScript TypeScript Java Ruby

React Vue.js Node.js Express Redux D3.js

Docker Webpack GraphQL PostgreSQL MySQL MongoDB


Light a Candle

React Mapbox Node.js PostgreSQL

A online memorial to remember and honor the healthcare workers who have fallen in the line of duty while treating COVID-19 patients. Users can view memorials which are grouped by location using a map. Users can also leave messages of encouragement for those still in the fight by "lighting a candle". Winning project for React Vancouver's March 2020 Hackathon.

React with Google Sheets

Next.js React Auth0

A React spreadsheet that displays remote data from a Google Sheets document. Users are able to filter and sort data in the view-only mode. Admins are able to add, edit and delete data in the app and see changes update in their Google Sheet. The client authenticates admins through Auth0 using serverless functions. (No public deployment)


TypeScript React NodeJS GraphQL

GIF-only message board where users can log in as one of five users, search for GIFs via GIPHY's API and post them to threads. The backend server is built with Prisma-Nexus which serves data to the client using GraphQL connected to a PostgreSQL database.


JavaScript React Redux D3.js NodeJS Express

Data visualization of Near Earth Objects using data provided by NASA and featuring a custom-designed graphical UI. Engineered the backend server and frontend architecture with React and Redux, parsed the JSON data, created the radar charts and heatmaps using D3js computations.


JavaScript NodeJS Express EJS Mailgun Twilio

POLR is a simple polling app with email and SMS functionality.

Users are able to create a new poll and send it to friends via direct link or sms. They then can use the instant run off algorithm to narrow down the choices.
